Raza Dzonggo Monastery

Raza Dzonggo monastery

Raza Dzonggo monastery is situated on a rocky cliff surrounded by mountains. The locals believed that this place resembles a lotus flower, and the stiff mountains around the monastery represent the petals of the lotus flower. The landscape of the monastery is breathtaking and peaceful.

Raza Dzonggo Gon Monastery in Kham Nangchen
Raza Dzonggo Gon Monastery in Kham Nangchen

Raza Dzonggo monastery belongs to the Karma Kargyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It was built in the 15th century as a retreat center for yogis. But later its turned monastery as well as a retreat center. These days there are 20 monks, and a few of them are on retreat.

At Dzonggo Gon
At Dzonggo Gon

The monastery has so many ancient relics and Tibetan Buddhist scriptures. The most amazing thing that the monastery has is the mummified Buddhist monk, who is posted in a meditation state. It was believed to be 200 hundred years old but could see the silky hair and long nails from the monk’s body. This body was found in a cave above the main monastery about 20km from the Raza Dzonggo monastery. When they returned to this monastery a few years back, they said lots of auspicious signs appear in the sky, such as a rainbow appearing without any rain.

Raza Dzonggo Gon
Raza Dzonggo Gon

There is a heavy cave above the Raza Dzonggo Monastery, where Guru Padmasambhava stayed for a week retreat. There are lots of palm prints and footprints on those huge rocks. From the top of a rock behind the monastery, one could see the whole valley around.

Raza Dzonggo Gon

Many wildlife animals are staying around the monastery. It’s hard to see such places where wildlife and humans live together. The monk at the monastery feeds them when there is harsh winter, and due to heavy snowfalls for weeks, this wildlife can’t survive.

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