Urushva Lhakhang

Urushva Lhakhang

Urushva Lhakhang is located on the south bank of the Mangra-chu, about 1.5 kilometers upstream from Drigung township. It is a small temple of considerable historic significance for two reasons. Firstly, there are original 9th-century obelisks flanking the entrance gate, which have inscriptions proclaiming the royal rewards and estates granted to Nyangben Tingzin Zangpo, the childhood friend of King Trisong Detsen who helped ensure the succession of the latter’s son Senalek Jinyon in 804.

The pillar on the left is in good condition, while the one on the right is fragmented. It was Nyangben who persuaded Trisong Detsen to invite Vimalamitra, the Buddhist master of the Dzogchen esoteric instructions (mengakde), from India, and who then became the principal recipient of these teachings in Tibet.

Vimalamitra concealed the teachings at Uruzhva in the early 9th century and these were subsequently rediscovered in the l1th century by the temple caretaker Dangma Lhundrub Namgyel, from which time their transmission has continued unbroken until the present. The second reason for the importance of Uruzhva is that the temple complex was restored during the 14th century by the great Nyingmapa master Longchen Rabjampa who fully comprehended its earlier significance for the Dzogchen tradition.

Later in the 18th century, the site came under the influence of Sera Monastery and was reconstructed by Dalai Lama VII.

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