Golog County

Amdo Golog Prefecture

The Amdo Golok is a Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture located in the Qinghai Province of China. It is in the Amdo region of Tibet. It has over 200,000 with a population density of around 2 inhabitants per kilometer square, and 91 percent is Tibetan. The most of Tibetan population is nomadic, with many livestock like yaks, sheep, and horses. The Golok Tibetan autonomous prefecture consists of six counties: Machen, Mato, Padma, Jigdril, Gade, and Darlag. Golok city is located around 450km south of Xining, the capital of Qinghai province. Most of the counties are situated at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level. 

Top Places to visit in Amdo Golog

Machen county

Machen County

Lake Kyaring Ngoring

Mato County

Jigdril county

Jigdril County

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